Meanderings of a coffee junkie.

A Christian's personal thoughts and random musings about anything and everything of interest to her, mostly caffeine-induced. I need a refill.

A long-overdue update

Happy new year, everyone! It’s 2019! Also, Gong Xi Fa Cai! It’s Chinese New Year, and it is the year of the Pig.  I’m finally updating my blog again. It seems that my updates have become few and far between. I know that I keep saying that at the beginning of every year, that I was going to update my blog more frequently, but that hasn’t really happened, and I apologize for that. That is, if I still have followers out there. I will not make any promises anymore. But, I will try to update as much as I can, as often as time permits.

Update on my health: I finally had a hysterectomy. The decision, although not easy, was very necessary, as it had affected my way of life. I’m 43 years old, and at this point, I do not see the possibility of bearing children, and for them to even come out healthy. It would be such a high-risk pregnancy. And it wasn’t really a part of my reality, as I do not have a significant other, or anyone who is even a potential, to have a child with, in the conventional way. So, weighing all of these things, I decided to go ahead with the hysterectomy. It’s actually been a relief, to say the least, having the hysterectomy. Prior to getting the surgery done, I was miserable, due to constant and abnormal bleeding. I had a fibroid in my uterus, but what I didn’t realize was until I had my appointment a couple of months prior to my surgery, that my fibroid burst, which cause uncontrollable, and heavy bleeding more than I usually did. Recovery period was supposed to be 6 weeks, and I was in the hospital for 2 days. However, I was able to go back to work a week and a half after my surgery, because my job didn’t really require me to stand up and walk around. My cut isn’t completely healed yet, and I still a bit of pain if I walk around too much. But overall, I recovered quicker than expected.

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About Me

Achau. Filipino-Canadian living in the U.S.
Loves Jesus, her family, music. A Europhile. Enjoys films, OPM & Kpop.
