Meanderings of a coffee junkie.

A Christian's personal thoughts and random musings about anything and everything of interest to her, mostly caffeine-induced. I need a refill.

End of day.

Good evening, my good people. I hope that you have had a wonderful day, and for some who live on the opposite side of the world, I hope your day will be wonderful. Today is the end of day, Sunday. The day started off as usual, getting up early to go to church. Played the cajon for the second Sunday in a row, for praise and worship time. After-church lunch fellowship followed, and then my mother and I spent some time hanging out at Starbucks, bonding over coffee and dessert. Took a long nap as soon as I got home, and then continued to watch “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix, which I had started the previous night. To be honest, I need to implement her KonMari method to our apartment. The tricky part is how to get my mom on-board, firstly, to get her to watch the series. We have so much that we haven’t unpacked yet, since we moved to the apartment we currently live in, almost 3 years ago, and I’m pretty sure there are stuff in the boxes that are piled up against the wall in the living room, that we don’t really need or use. But, I’ll try my hardest to get started with tidying up, and hopefully my mom will come on-board when she realises what I’m trying to accomplish.

Just sipping some green tea now, while I watch “Finding Your Roots” on Amazon Prime, as I get ready for bed. Have to get up earlier than usual. I have an appointment to get my mammogram screening. Not quite looking forward to it, but I want to get it done, for my peace of mind.

Hope that you all have a good evening/morning. That is all for today.

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About Me

Achau. Filipino-Canadian living in the U.S.
Loves Jesus, her family, music. A Europhile. Enjoys films, OPM & Kpop.
